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Maso Paradiso


Hello! We are Christian, Helga, Debora and Giorgia and we want to tell you our story.

It all started in 2011 while spending our weekend working ofthe family barn, and day dreaming about living there all year around and about renounghing this property, which was bought in 1985 by Christian's parents from three owners in Por.

We thought it was just a dream, but when Christian builds up the courage in asking Helga, we all welcomed this idea with heartfelt emotion. Than we started thinking about who could help us with the design, construction and installation.

In 2016 we took courage and begunwith the renovation projects, so that we could have a future in the place we fell in love with, the place that has always transmitted us peace and tranquility since we arrived.

The last owner when she told her loved ones that she would go "en Gnaval", she said "vardè che vò n'atim en paradis" and from this saying came the name "Maso Paradiso".

During the planning, given the size of the house, we came up with an idea: "why not share the house with those who need to unplug and relax in the middle of nature?"

We then decided to share part of our home with anyone who wants to experience our emotions.

The enterprise begun in September 2017 it was three hectic months before the snow and the cold would arrive, we needed the roof to cover all the masonry of the house in order to avoid getting wet walls and to give us the opportunity to work inside during the coldest months.

After everything went according to our plan, the house was safe on 13 December.

The house was secured and covered on 13 December.

Since 2018 everything is in our hands. All the work was done by Christian, Helga, Giorgia and Debora. These were intense years of demolitions, excavations, castings, bricks, tiles, painting and parquet. Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas, Easter and many evenings after work until 23.00 to finish some work with the help of some friends or family.

During this journey we had fun, had some nice satisfactions and sometimes we even got demoralized but we never lost heart and we never gave up.

If you want a thing done well, do it yourself!

Years went by and our house has gradually changed appearance and shape.

Giving us a lot of satisfaction, fundamental for the continuing of the work... and here we finally have the pleasure of hosting.

Tired but happy we have the pleasure of hosting you in our corner of Paradise.

Welcome to Maso Paradiso!!!

B&B Maso Paradiso

Christian, Helga, Debora e Giorgia

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